Month: September 2010

  • Overtime, etc.

    Tomorrow will be my 6th day in a row working. I haven’t seen the schedule for next week but it is conceivable that I will work Monday (Labor Day, no holiday pay), making it seven days in a row. My mother is having another bypass surgery on Tuesday, and I’ve requested off. Doesn’t make for a great day off, but I want to be there.

    I am still very glad to be working, but man am I tired. Came home exhausted yesterday and took a nap, and even got to bed on time last night. That is nearly unheard of for me after I have napped, usually I can’t get to sleep after that at night.

    I just have no clue when I’ll have time to post again this coming week. I have several floating around in my head I’d like to do, just no time at the moment.

    So, that’s where I am at, just wanted to fill you in and let you know I haven’t gone anywhere.