August 31, 2010

  • With a Name Like Earl…

    …it’s probably going to be really bad!


    My stepfather’s name was Earl…well, the man my mom was married to when I was a little girl. It was interesting to see the headline on the news, “East Coast Evacuation Looms If Monster Earl Gets Close.” The stepfather, Earl, was a monster. If this storm lives up to it’s name it could be a nasty one! I wrote about it in a 6 part series of posts some time back that features “Monster Earl.” Check out the story, if you are so inclined:

    Alligators Aren’t So Bad
    Part 1 2 3 4 5 6


Comments (5)

  • Wow. You are an amazing woman, to be where you are now after all that. I have to say, I’ve never been able to understand why women stay, ESPECIALLY when their children become endangered… I just can’t wrap my head around someone being THAT frightened…. I take psychology courses now, and I still don’t understand. I can understand the bastards way of thinking… they are just twisted and sick… but I can’t imagine someone hitting my daughter and me NOT slitting his throat… seriously…

    So glad you came through ok… and your mother. What did finally make her leave?

  • @BubblysLife - Thanks for reading all of that! Amazingly, he left her for another MAN. Yes, he evidently was bi, and had a BLACK male lover while we were in Florida. I think my mother is a very strong person, and if she had known then what she knows now she would have slit his throat. Financially, emotionally it’s not easy to leave sometimes. Earl was a Psychopath who kept a great deal of control over my mother. My mom also was an alcoholic for many years. If one is numbing their senses it’s hard to gain back control of ones life.

  • @CynaraJane - I know it happens…. and I an almost see how it happens… but I guess I can’t imagine myself being in such a place …so it’s hard for me to really understand.

  • Sending prayers your way that you are not in Earls path.

  • @grannyinboxers - I’ll take any and all prayers, but I’m in southwest Ohio…we’re pretty safe from hurricanes, just hafta watch for tornadoes.

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