September 7, 2010

  • Under The Knife

    So right now I am at the hospital, blogging from my daughter’s laptop. My mom is having a “fem-pop” bypass, a re-do as the one they attempted several months ago failed and became infected.

    “Fem-pop” sounds like a new type of music, but it actually refers to the area of the leg where the bypass is being done…short for Femoropopliteal.

    When she arrived one of the tests they did was swab her nose. It came back from the lab as being positive for MRSA. It just means she’s a carrier now, and they have to use extra precautions patient to patient. It was no doubt one of the nasties she’s picked up along the way in her many long hospital stays. It freaked her out when they told her…she was worried that that meant her hospital stay would be much longer than normal for this surgery. The nurse tried to assure her that this was not the case, but the vascular dementia does not allow for much reasoning. They gave her a narcotic for some pain she was having pre-surgery. At least that seemed to help and calm her down a bit.

    We’ve got probably a couple more hours to wait before she’s out of surgery. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Accepting all prayers and positive energy…TIA!

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