August 19, 2010

  • Trust or Worry, You Can’t Do Both

    As a Christian I try to do all that is commanded of me. I am not perfect, I do misstep from time to time. Okay, probably daily, but I do what is humanly possible.

    I had noticed recently that I was worrying a lot; worrying about finances, about scheduling issues, time to do all the things I need to do. Oh, sure, I prayed every day…for others, for loved ones, for the Lord to help me get my act together with these issues…yet I wasn’t seeing any positive moves in the right direction.

    For some time I just chalked it up to waiting on the Lord, that He would do things in His own good time. I have learned to be patient, and then some, having prayed some time ago for patience (never pray that prayer unless you really want patience, because you will get a good lesson in it, trust me!). I also realize that sometimes God’s answer is a resounding, “No way!” but I also know that we are promised to have our needs met, and if we are blessed we will have things in abundance, pressed down and overflowing. I just wanted the needs met, and it was not always happening.

    Instead of blaming God for not doing what He has promised, I decided to look at myself. What was I doing that was not allowing me to be blessed? After thinking for some time I think I narrowed it down pretty well.

    The worrying was getting in the way.

    A favorite adage my mother has always said is, “Trust or worry; you can’t do both.” And really, it couldn’t be more true. If we are worrying we are not placing the problems and issues we have firmly in the hand of God. We allow our fleshly selves to try to out-think the Creator. He wants us to give Him all…the praise, the glory, and yes, even the problems. If we are worrying, we are not putting our faith where it belongs, and that is in God.

    I prayed a simple prayer a couple of days ago, “Lord, increase my faith.” I laid it all down and gave it to Him, like we are supposed to. The results have been amazing. I’m glad I figured out that I was my own worst impediment to being blessed.

    I am reminded of the Scripture that reads. “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

    Have you had any prayers that have been answered lately?

    Are you in need of prayer and wish to make a prayer request?

Comments (23)

  • Thanks for sharing this, I will happily pray for you in this. It’s a beautifully simple prayer.

    I need to become less selfish, less worldly, less concerned about possessions… Since I had Kylie and went back to work part time money has been tight. And I don’t like it at all. I don’t like that I can’t just buy her that cute little outfit at Babies R’ Us…or the one at Savers for that matter…without thinking first as to what we have in the checking account. I hate being up one size from my pre-preggo body and having to wear clothes that are ill-fitted and make me run into the bathroom and cry because I feel like I look like shit. I want new clothes that fit me right and look nice and make me feel good about myself. But we can’t afford for me to buy a whole new wardrobe. I get it, it just sucks.

    But it’s just stuff…just stuff…you know?

  • It’s amazing when we have epiphanies and trust in God to lead us… He won’t take us anywhere we, with His support, won’t be able to handle! :)

    Nice post… something for all Christians here!

  • @skittler335 - I will pray for you. I don’t think it’s a sin to want clothes that fit you properly, especially since you recently had a baby. I will pray that you have your needs met, and that you can be less concerned about material things, but also that the Lord makes a way to get you some better fitting clothes. Hang in there, sweetheart. You are loved…and you are beautiful!

  • @cmdr_keen - Yes, it is amazing. Thanks for sharing this with others.

  • What a great post. I need to learn to trust more and worry less. I’m still a work in progress. 

  • @ShadesOfAnnie - Work in progress? Yep, me too!

  • Worry causes warts, ulcers, cold sores, heart attacks, strokes, bad breath and foot odors…

    I don’t know if any of that is true but I live my life like it is.

    Don’t worry, be happy….

    Work to solve the problems that confront you. Avoid making the same mistakes twice, Prioritize your priorities. Put first things first when they need to be first, let the last things go till the end of time. That thing you plan on getting to that really doesn’t need to be done, but is a thing you think you might want to do…. probably is best just forgotten. As are revenge, hurt feelings, gossip, rumors, grudges, and the like. Free the mind of ill concieved notions and there will be room for free flowing thoughts and ideas for real solutions to lifes most pressing problems.

    Although I am interested in a plethora of subjects, I really only focus on a few, and only those which bring me peace and knowledge of God’s creation, myself, and my loved ones, like my relationship with friends like you.

    Be at peace and stand proudly in the light of Christ.

  • @Aloysius_son - I wish there was a way to recommend a comment. That is great advice, and great encouragement. Thank you, dear friend!

  • :) I just had a very big prayer answered… I’ve finally gotten a full time permanent job, and in my own field no less! I’ve been divorced for almost 3 years separated for almost 4… and I’m just about where I was before I got married. I’ve taken care of my two sons mostly on my own… I’ve had help from my aunt and brother. and just a week ago, my mother and father in law both told me how proud they were of how well I’ve done, and on my own.

    5 years ago I would never have imagined that I would be able to DO this… and yet here I am….
    I praise God everyday for my boyz and the beautiful place that I live and that I love my life everyday…. and I know that it all happens for a reason. I love that saying “trust or worry, you can’t do both” I’m going to have to use that soon… :)

  • @Rbynfairy - Robyn, that’s wonderful! I am proud of you. I remember all that you’ve been through, and it is great you are where you are now. Feel free to use the saying, it’s a good one!

  • My life today is an answered pray. Not my prayer but an answered prayer none the less.

    I’m not sure I have mastered giving it to God (any and everything good and bad) .  I know you’re right, our worries are a sin if you think about it, a lack of trust. And like most sins it hurts me here and now.

  • “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” lol…that sucks then because by that analogy ”the fervent prayer of an evil man doesn’t do jack shit!”…ya valio madre. I know, I know. I was just being serious.

    It’s amazing to me how much mercy I’ve been given. How much luck has been thrown my way. How much protection I was granted. How many blessings I’ve been well…blessed with. How many chances I’ve been allowed. And yet, I find myself shaking my fist towards the heavens on occasion. Ungrateful bastard! I’m only sub-human, I suppose.

    These days most of my prayers consist of thanks and petitions for my family. I rarely ask for anything personal. I’m so happy that you are being taken care of, Lisa. I have prayed for you on many occasions. Though those prayers may or may not have helped at all, the intent in my heart was there. You deserve to be happy.

  • I think this sums it up well Lisa, worrying is about the biggest waste of time ,energy and thoughts it is one thing that had no redeeming qualities. Love you.

  • What a beautiful post. Thanks.

  • All my most important prayers have been answered right now… my life is good, calm, steady, dependable… comfortable… I thank God every day that someone he thought me worthy to get everything I asked for. :)   Somethings are still begin delivered…but they are those things which take my participation in, and take time. :)

  • Amen!! It is true. I have known that a long time. Sadly, I am not a praying type but I try to make sure I have connection of SOME KIND with God. I know that sounds kinda bad but that isn’t my point. I agree with you, I am blessed with a lot of things in my life that I totally do not deserve!

    But while I thought I never deserve it, I am better off being glad that I got it. Because if I kept on thinking that those does not belong to  me, I will keep getting seperated and be miserable.


  • @trunthepaige - And, we all sin daily. We just make it harder on ourselves by not surrendering everything to Him. God perfects and refines us, as long as we are walking with Him, all in due time.

  • @Xcholo4u - You’re right, the fervent prayers of an evil man don’t do jack shit. But, we are all inherently evil men…thankfully we have a redeemer available to us, if we choose Him. But look at me, I am preaching to the choir.

    I’ve been mad at God on occasion. I am a stubborn and disobedient child sometimes. It does me no good to be mad at Him, I’ve realized. I am the proverbial Prodigal Child.

    Oh, your prayers have done a lot of good. I have also prayed for you and yours. You bet I have, and will continue to, my friend.

  • @XoPinkHeart - Thank you for reading.

  • @BubblysLife - Yes, some of our answered prayers take effort on our parts, and some time. I am glad you are blessed!

  • @Momma2babies34 - Thanks for your comment, and the friend request.

  • Worry steals my joy and take the sun from the sky.  I give it away and ask the angels to turn it into something beautiful to benefit all who may see it.

  • i so have not been here in forever :) …………i think your prayers were just, and honest.  i think many become disabled in the thought that they can just pray and think everything will be ok and answered in the way they want it, withought the actual knowledge that is it entails a relationship.  A true relationship far more intense than just a prayer or two.  a kind of relationship that enthralls you completely, the kind you think about all the time and wonder how to make better.  most just stop at a simple prayer :(   and that alone will get no one………no where :)

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